Class Objects.Moveable
Represents any object inside the game world.
Examples include traps, enemies, doors, pickups, and Lara herself (see also Objects.LaraObject for Lara-specific features).
Moveable(object, name, position, rotation, roomNumber, animNumber, frameNumber, hp, OCB, AIBits) | Used to generate a new moveable dynamically at runtime. |
Moveable:Explode() | Explode item. |
Moveable:Shatter() | Shatter item. |
Moveable:SetEffect(effect[, timeout]) | Set effect to moveable |
Moveable:SetCustomEffect(Color1, Color2[, timeout]) | Set custom colored burn effect to moveable |
Moveable:GetEffect() | Get current moveable effect |
Moveable:GetStatus() | Get the moveable's status. |
Moveable:SetStatus(status) | Set the moveable's status. |
Moveable:GetObjectID() | Retrieve the object ID |
Moveable:SetObjectID(ID) | Change the object's ID. |
Moveable:GetState() | Retrieve the index of the current state. |
Moveable:GetTargetState() | Retrieve the index of the target state. |
Moveable:SetState(index) | Set the object's state to the one specified by the given index. |
Moveable:GetAnim() | Retrieve the index of the current animation. |
Moveable:SetAnim(index[, slot]) | Set the object's animation to the one specified by the given index. |
Moveable:GetAnimSlot() | Retrieve the slot ID of the animation. |
Moveable:GetFrame() | Retrieve frame number. |
Moveable:SetFrame(frame) | Set frame number. |
Moveable:GetEndFrame() | Get the end frame number of the moveable's active animation. |
Moveable:SetVelocity(velocity) | Set the object's velocity to specified value. |
Moveable:GetVelocity() | Get the object's velocity. |
Moveable:GetHP() | Get current HP (hit points/health points) |
Moveable:SetHP(HP) | Set current HP (hit points/health points) Clamped to [0, 32767] for "intelligent" entities (i.e. |
Moveable:GetSlotHP() | Get HP definded for that object type (hit points/health points) (Read Only). |
Moveable:GetOCB() | Get OCB (object code bit) of the moveable |
Moveable:SetOCB(OCB) | Set OCB (object code bit) of the moveable |
Moveable:GetItemFlags(index) | Get the value stored in ItemFlags[index] |
Moveable:SetItemFlags(value, index) | Stores a value in ItemFlags[index] |
Moveable:GetColor() | Get the moveable's color |
Moveable:SetColor(color) | Set the moveable's color |
Moveable:GetHitStatus() | Get the hit status of the object |
Moveable:GetActive() | Determine whether the moveable is active or not |
Moveable:GetJointPosition(index[, offset]) | Get the object's joint position |
Moveable:GetJointRotation(index) | Get the object's joint rotation |
Moveable:GetRotation() | Get the moveable's rotation |
Moveable:SetRotation(rotation) | Set the moveable's rotation |
Moveable:GetName() | Get the moveable's name (its unique string identifier) e.g. |
Moveable:SetName(name) | Set the moveable's name (its unique string identifier) e.g. |
Moveable:GetValid() | Test if the object is in a valid state (i.e. |
Moveable:Destroy() | Destroy the moveable. |
Moveable:AttachObjCamera(mesh, target, mesh) | Attach camera to an object. |
Moveable:AnimFromObject(ObjectID, animNumber, stateID) | Borrow animation from an object |
Moveable:SetOnHit(callback) | Set the name of the function to be called when the moveable is shot by Lara. |
Moveable:SetOnCollidedWithObject(func) | Set the function to be called when this moveable collides with another moveable |
Moveable:SetOnCollidedWithRoom(func) | Set the function called when this moveable collides with room geometry (e.g. |
Moveable:SetOnKilled(callback) | Set the name of the function to be called when the moveable is destroyed/killed Note that enemy death often occurs at the end of an animation, and not at the exact moment the enemy's HP becomes zero. |
Moveable:GetPosition() | Get the object's position |
Moveable:SetPosition(position[, updateRoom]) | Set the moveable's position If you are moving a moveable whose behaviour involves knowledge of room geometry, (e.g. |
Moveable:GetLocationAI() | Get the location value stored in the Enemy AI |
Moveable:SetLocationAI(value) | Updates the location in the enemy AI with the given value. |
Moveable:GetAIBits() | Get AIBits of object This will return a table with six values, each corresponding to an active behaviour. |
Moveable:SetAIBits(bits) | Set AIBits of object Use this to force a moveable into a certain AI mode or modes, as if a certain nullmesh (or more than one) had suddenly spawned beneath their feet. |
Moveable:GetRoom() | Get the current room of the object |
Moveable:GetRoomNumber() | Get the current room number of the object |
Moveable:SetRoomNumber(roomID) | Set the room ID of a moveable. |
Moveable:GetMeshCount() | Get number of meshes for a particular object Returns number of meshes in an object |
Moveable:GetMeshVisible(index) | Get state of specified mesh visibility of object Returns true if specified mesh is visible on an object, and false if it is not visible. |
Moveable:SetMeshVisible(index, isVisible) | Makes specified mesh visible or invisible Use this to show or hide a specified mesh of an object. |
Moveable:ShatterMesh(index) | Shatters specified mesh and makes it invisible Note that you can re-enable mesh later by using SetMeshVisible(). |
Moveable:GetMeshSwapped(index) | Get state of specified mesh swap of object Returns true if specified mesh is swapped on an object, and false if it is not swapped. |
Moveable:SwapMesh(index, slotIndex[, swapIndex]) | Set state of specified mesh swap of object Use this to swap specified mesh of an object. |
Moveable:UnswapMesh(index) | Set state of specified mesh swap of object Use this to bring back original unswapped mesh |
Moveable:Enable(timeout) | Enable the item, as if a trigger for it had been stepped on. |
Moveable:Disable() | Disable the item, as if an antitrigger for it had been stepped on (i.e. |
Moveable:GetCollidable() | Get the item's collision state. |
Moveable:SetCollidable(collidable) | Set the item's collision. |
Moveable:MakeInvisible() | Make the item invisible. |
Moveable:SetVisible(visible) | Set the item's visibility. |
- Moveable(object, name, position, rotation, roomNumber, animNumber, frameNumber, hp, OCB, AIBits)
Used to generate a new moveable dynamically at runtime.
For more information on each parameter, see the associated getters and setters. If you do not know what to set for these, most can just be ignored (see usage).Parameters:
- object ObjID ID
- name string Lua name of the item
- position Vec3 position in level
- rotation Rotation rotation rotation about x, y, and z axes (default Rotation(0, 0, 0))
- roomNumber int the room number the moveable is in (default: calculated automatically).
- animNumber int animation number
- frameNumber int frame number
- hp int HP of item
- OCB int ocb of item
- AIBits table table with AI bits (default { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 })
A new Moveable object (a wrapper around the new object)
local item = Moveable( TEN.Objects.ObjID.PISTOLS_ITEM, -- object id "test", -- name Vec3(18907, 0, 21201)) -- position
- Moveable:Explode()
- Explode item. This also kills and disables item.
- Moveable:Shatter()
- Shatter item. This also kills and disables item.
- Moveable:SetEffect(effect[, timeout])
Set effect to moveable
- effect EffectID Type of effect to assign.
- timeout float time (in seconds) after which effect turns off. (optional)
- Moveable:SetCustomEffect(Color1, Color2[, timeout])
Set custom colored burn effect to moveable
- Moveable:GetEffect()
Get current moveable effect
effect type currently assigned to moveable.
- Moveable:GetStatus()
Get the moveable's status. ()
The moveable's status.
- Moveable:SetStatus(status)
Set the moveable's status. ()
- status MoveableStatus The new status of the moveable.
- Moveable:GetObjectID()
Retrieve the object ID
a number representing the ID of the object
- Moveable:SetObjectID(ID)
Change the object's ID. This will literally change the object.
- ID ObjID the new ID
shiva = TEN.Objects.GetMoveableByName("shiva_60") shiva:SetObjectID(TEN.Objects.ObjID.BIGMEDI_ITEM)
- Moveable:GetState()
Retrieve the index of the current state.
This corresponds to the number shown in the item's state ID field in WadTool.
the index of the active state
- Moveable:GetTargetState()
Retrieve the index of the target state.
This corresponds to the state the object is trying to get into, which is sometimes different from the active state.
the index of the target state
- Moveable:SetState(index)
Set the object's state to the one specified by the given index.
Performs no bounds checking. Ensure the number given is correct, else
object may end up in corrupted animation state.
- index int the index of the desired state
- Moveable:GetAnim()
Retrieve the index of the current animation.
This corresponds to the number shown in the item's animation list in WadTool.
the index of the active animation
- Moveable:SetAnim(index[, slot])
Set the object's animation to the one specified by the given index.
Performs no bounds checking. Ensure the number given is correct, else
object may end up in corrupted animation state.
- index int the index of the desired anim
- slot int slot ID of the desired anim (if omitted, moveable's own slot ID is used) (optional)
- Moveable:GetAnimSlot()
Retrieve the slot ID of the animation.
In certain cases, moveable may play animations from another object slot. Use this
function when you need to identify such cases.
animation slot ID
- Moveable:GetFrame()
Retrieve frame number.
This is the current frame of the object's active animation.
the current frame of the active animation
- Moveable:SetFrame(frame)
Set frame number.
This will move the animation to the given frame.
The number of frames in an animation can be seen under the heading "End frame" in
the WadTool animation editor. If the animation has no frames, the only valid argument
is -1.
- frame int the new frame number
- Moveable:GetEndFrame()
Get the end frame number of the moveable's active animation.
This is the "End Frame" set in WADTool for the animation.()
End frame number of the active animation.
- Moveable:SetVelocity(velocity)
Set the object's velocity to specified value.
In most cases, only Z and Y components are used as forward and vertical velocity.
In some cases, primarily NPCs, X component is used as side velocity.
- velocity Vec3 velocity represented as vector
- Moveable:GetVelocity()
Get the object's velocity.
In most cases, only Z and Y components are used as forward and vertical velocity.
In some cases, primarily NPCs, X component is used as side velocity.
current object velocity
- Moveable:GetHP()
Get current HP (hit points/health points)
the amount of HP the moveable currently has
- Moveable:SetHP(HP)
Set current HP (hit points/health points)
Clamped to [0, 32767] for "intelligent" entities (i.e. anything with AI); clamped to [-32767, 32767] otherwise.
- HP int the amount of HP to give the moveable
- Moveable:GetSlotHP()
Get HP definded for that object type (hit points/health points) (Read Only).
the moveable's slot default hit points
- Moveable:GetOCB()
Get OCB (object code bit) of the moveable
the moveable's current OCB value
- Moveable:SetOCB(OCB)
Set OCB (object code bit) of the moveable
- OCB int the new value for the moveable's OCB
- Moveable:GetItemFlags(index)
Get the value stored in ItemFlags[index]
- index int of the ItemFlags, can be between 0 and 7.
the value contained in the ItemFlags[index]
- Moveable:SetItemFlags(value, index)
Stores a value in ItemFlags[index]
- value short to store in the moveable's ItemFlags[index]
- index int of the ItemFlags where store the value.
- Moveable:GetColor()
Get the moveable's color
a copy of the moveable's color
- Moveable:SetColor(color)
Set the moveable's color
- color Color the new color of the moveable
- Moveable:GetHitStatus()
Get the hit status of the object
true if the moveable was hit by something in the last gameplay frame, false otherwise
- Moveable:GetActive()
Determine whether the moveable is active or not
true if the moveable is active
- Moveable:GetJointPosition(index[, offset])
Get the object's joint position
- index int of a joint to get position
- offset Vec3 a pre-rotation offset to the joint (optional)
a copy of the moveable's joint position
- Moveable:GetJointRotation(index)
Get the object's joint rotation
- index int of a joint to get rotation
a calculated copy of the moveable's joint rotation
- Moveable:GetRotation()
Get the moveable's rotation
a copy of the moveable's rotation
- Moveable:SetRotation(rotation)
Set the moveable's rotation
- rotation Rotation The moveable's new rotation
- Moveable:GetName()
Get the moveable's name (its unique string identifier)
e.g. "door_back_room" or "cracked_greek_statue"
This corresponds with the "Lua Name" field in an object's properties in Tomb Editor.
the moveable's name
- Moveable:SetName(name)
Set the moveable's name (its unique string identifier)
e.g. "door_back_room" or "cracked_greek_statue"
It cannot be blank and cannot share a name with any existing object.
- name string the new moveable's name
true if we successfully set the name, false otherwise (e.g. if another object has the name already)
- Moveable:GetValid()
Test if the object is in a valid state (i.e. has not been destroyed through Lua or killed by Lara).
valid true if the object is still not destroyed
- Moveable:Destroy()
- Destroy the moveable. This will mean it can no longer be used, except to re-initialize it with another object.
- Moveable:AttachObjCamera(mesh, target, mesh)
Attach camera to an object.
- mesh int of a target moveable to use as a camera target
- target Moveable moveable to attach camera to
- mesh int of a target moveable to use as a camera target
- Moveable:AnimFromObject(ObjectID, animNumber, stateID)
Borrow animation from an object
- ObjectID ObjID to take animation and stateID from,
- animNumber int animation from object
- stateID int state from object
- Moveable:SetOnHit(callback)
Set the name of the function to be called when the moveable is shot by Lara.
Note that this will be triggered twice when shot with both pistols at once.
- callback function function in LevelFuncs hierarchy to call when moveable is shot
- Moveable:SetOnCollidedWithObject(func)
Set the function to be called when this moveable collides with another moveable
- func function callback function to be called (must be in LevelFuncs hierarchy). This function can take two arguments; these will store the two Moveables taking part in the collision.
-- obj1 is the collision moveable -- obj2 is the collider moveable LevelFuncs.objCollided = function(obj1, obj2) print(obj1:GetName() .. " collided with " .. obj2:GetName()) end baddy:SetOnCollidedWithObject(LevelFuncs.objCollided)
- Moveable:SetOnCollidedWithRoom(func)
Set the function called when this moveable collides with room geometry (e.g. a wall or floor). This function can take an argument that holds the Moveable that collided with geometry.
- func function callback function to be called (must be in LevelFuncs hierarchy)
LevelFuncs.roomCollided = function(obj) print(obj:GetName() .. " collided with room geometry") end baddy:SetOnCollidedWithRoom(LevelFuncs.roomCollided)
- Moveable:SetOnKilled(callback)
Set the name of the function to be called when the moveable is destroyed/killed
Note that enemy death often occurs at the end of an animation, and not at the exact moment
the enemy's HP becomes zero.
- callback function function in LevelFuncs hierarchy to call when enemy is killed
LevelFuncs.baddyKilled = function(theBaddy) print("You killed a baddy!") end baddy:SetOnKilled(LevelFuncs.baddyKilled)
- Moveable:GetPosition()
Get the object's position
a copy of the moveable's position
- Moveable:SetPosition(position[, updateRoom])
Set the moveable's position
If you are moving a moveable whose behaviour involves knowledge of room geometry,
(e.g. a BADDY1, which uses it for pathfinding), then the second argument should
be true (or omitted, as true is the default). Otherwise, said moveable will not behave correctly.
- position Vec3 the new position of the moveable
- updateRoom bool Will room changes be automatically detected? Set to false if you are using overlapping rooms (default: true) (optional)
- Moveable:GetLocationAI()
Get the location value stored in the Enemy AI
the value contained in the LocationAI of the creature.
- Moveable:SetLocationAI(value)
Updates the location in the enemy AI with the given value.
- value short to store.
- Moveable:GetAIBits()
Get AIBits of object
This will return a table with six values, each corresponding to
an active behaviour. If the object is in a certain AI mode, the table will
have a 1 in the corresponding cell. Otherwise, the cell will hold
a 0.
1 - guard
2 - ambush
3 - patrol 1
4 - modify
5 - follow
6 - patrol 2Returns:
a table of AI bits
- Moveable:SetAIBits(bits)
Set AIBits of object
Use this to force a moveable into a certain AI mode or modes, as if a certain nullmesh
(or more than one) had suddenly spawned beneath their feet.
- bits table the table of AI bits
local sas = TEN.Objects.GetMoveableByName("sas_enemy") sas:SetAIBits({1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
- Moveable:GetRoom()
Get the current room of the object
current room of the object
- Moveable:GetRoomNumber()
Get the current room number of the object
number representing the current room of the object
- Moveable:SetRoomNumber(roomID)
Set the room ID of a moveable.
Use this if not using SetPosition's automatic room update - for example, when dealing with overlapping rooms.
- roomID int New room's ID.
local sas = TEN.Objects.GetMoveableByName("sas_enemy") sas:SetRoomNumber(newRoomID) sas:SetPosition(newPos, false)
- Moveable:GetMeshCount()
Get number of meshes for a particular object
Returns number of meshes in an object
number of meshes
- Moveable:GetMeshVisible(index)
Get state of specified mesh visibility of object
Returns true if specified mesh is visible on an object, and false
if it is not visible.
- index int index of a mesh
visibility status
- Moveable:SetMeshVisible(index, isVisible)
Makes specified mesh visible or invisible
Use this to show or hide a specified mesh of an object.
- index int index of a mesh
- isVisible bool true if you want the mesh to be visible, false otherwise
- Moveable:ShatterMesh(index)
Shatters specified mesh and makes it invisible
Note that you can re-enable mesh later by using SetMeshVisible().
- index int index of a mesh
- Moveable:GetMeshSwapped(index)
Get state of specified mesh swap of object
Returns true if specified mesh is swapped on an object, and false
if it is not swapped.
- index int index of a mesh
mesh swap status
- Moveable:SwapMesh(index, slotIndex[, swapIndex])
Set state of specified mesh swap of object
Use this to swap specified mesh of an object.
- index int index of a mesh
- slotIndex int index of a slot to get meshswap from
- swapIndex int index of a mesh from meshswap slot to use (optional)
- Moveable:UnswapMesh(index)
Set state of specified mesh swap of object
Use this to bring back original unswapped mesh
- index int index of a mesh to unswap
- Moveable:Enable(timeout)
Enable the item, as if a trigger for it had been stepped on.
- timeout float time (in seconds) after which moveable automatically disables (optional).
- Moveable:Disable()
- Disable the item, as if an antitrigger for it had been stepped on (i.e. it will close an open door or extinguish a flame emitter). Note that this will not trigger an OnKilled callback.
- Moveable:GetCollidable()
Get the item's collision state.
item's collision state
- Moveable:SetCollidable(collidable)
Set the item's collision.
- collidable bool true if the caller should be collidable, false if no collision should occur.
- Moveable:MakeInvisible()
Make the item invisible. Alias for
. - Moveable:SetVisible(visible)
Set the item's visibility. An invisible item will have collision turned off, as if it no longer exists in the game world.
- visible bool true if the caller should become visible, false if it should become invisible